Send for signature with HelloSign

Send secure eSignature requests to employees, customers, and vendors directly from files stored in Dropbox. The Dropbox and HelloSign integration allows you send files for eSignature, or eSign files yourself, without leaving Dropbox. Save time by getting legally binding electronic signatures with only a few clicks. Your signed documents will automatically sync back to Dropbox for easy access.

Connect Dropbox and HelloSign

You’ll be prompted to connect your Dropbox and HelloSign accounts and accept the terms of service when you send for a signature through Dropbox. A free HelloSign account will be created with the email address you use for Dropbox.

The HelloSign eSignature solution is the easiest way to get paperless signatures in Dropbox:

⦿ Request signatures by adding an email address

⦿ Prep your document by including fields that need to be signed, dated, and more

⦿ Choose a folder in your Dropbox account for your signed document to be automatically saved into

Now you can save time by requesting electronic signatures with only a few clicks.

You can send a file in Dropbox for a signature or sign a file yourself

Once your signed files are complete, you and all signers will receive email confirmations. Your signed files automatically save back to your Dropbox account, in the location you chose for that file and in your connected HelloSign account. If you delete a signed file from either Dropbox or HelloSign, it’ll still be saved on the other.

In Dropbox, while a file is waiting to get signed, an in-progress PDF version of the file is saved in the location you chose named “[file name] (in-progress).pdf”. Once the file is signed, that file is replaced with a new, signed PDF file named “[file name] (signed).pdf”.

File types and sizes

A single file uploaded to be signed can’t exceed 40MB or 500 pages.

Limitations and storage quotas

If the HelloSign account you connected to Dropbox is on the limited free plan (which is the default plan), you can make three document transactions per month.

Signed files take up space in your Dropbox account. If you run out of space in your Dropbox account while a file is in progress (waiting on a signature), you’ll see an error message and the signed version of the file will only save on and not in Dropbox.


What is the benefit of using Hellosign with Dropbox?

HelloSign has teamed up with Dropbox to present the world’s first embedded document eSignature and storage solution. Your teams no longer have to jump between tools and applications – with just a few clicks they can send, sign, and save documents in Dropbox anytime, from anywhere.


Why should I adopt eSignature technology?

Paper contracts are time-intensive. They can take an average of 25 days to be signed and returned, and more than 15% of documents never get signed. This adds up to elongated sales cycles, slower document turnaround times and unnecessary friction in workflows. Electronic signatures remove friction, drives collaboration among dispersed teams and can increase signature completion rates by as much as 26%.


How do you ensure my documents are sent and stored securely?

To keep your files and signed documents safe, security features have been designed with multiple layers of protection:

  • We use Secure Sockets Layers (SSL), the same level of encryption used by leading banks and government agencies
  • Documents are stored and encrypted at rest using AES – 256 bit encryption

Get started with HelloSign today

➮ Please contact us if you have any questions related to our products or if you need technical support.
➮ You may call, e-mail or fill out the contact form and let us know your needs.
➮ Our sales representatives will contact you as soon as possible.

➮ Please fill all the fields with * to complete your inquiry.
